803-276-1814 | Newberry, SC
Why go with a Mutual Insurance Company?
The idea of if mutual insurance is as old as the first business. From the beginning, good men found in their hearts a disposition to join in the efforts to promote common interest and to avoid common disasters. He who served his generation best has always been the one who unselfishly did most toward the preservation of the life, the property and the ideals of his fellows.
As a Mutual Company, we have two main sources of income – the premiums paid by Policyholders and our investment returns. Conversely, we also have two major costs – claim payments and operational expenses.
Premium & Investment Returns - These income sources are allocated towards the surplus, members equity, investing in the community, and refund of premiums.
Claims & Expenses - While we have control over certain premium incomes, operational expenses, and investment returns, there is very limited control over the claims expenses.
A surplus ensures that we remain in a strong position for our Policyholders and that we have the ability to meet all our future obligations.

125 Years of Serving South Carolina Families!
Farmers Mutual Insurance Association of Newberry was formed on January 4th, 1894, by a group of local farmers with the purpose of providing rural farmers of Newberry County with insurance.
Farmers Mutual operated out of their homes until approximately 1939, when they rented a downtown office.
In 1968, Farmers Mutual branched out to providing farm coverage in adjoining counties in the Midlands. In 1988, Farmers Mutual expanded to #morethanjustfarms, providing coverage for homes, autos, and life.
Farmers Mutual Insurance Association is dedicated to low-cost insurance combined with quality coverage, safety and security for our members.