It’s heating up here in South Carolina and it’s about time to plan your summer adventures. If you are a lover of adrenaline, what is more fun than riding your ATV, dirt-bike, or any other off-road vehicle?
Off-roading is as dangerous as fun it is. If you follow some basic rules, you can avoid serious hazards.
Limit your speed! It’s already entertaining enough trying to drive over various obstacles.
Stay on the trail and use previously used paths. Do not try to make your own trail as you might find yourself stuck.
If you are unsure about the surface, walk it first! If you can walk it, it’s likely that your off-road vehicle can handle it.
Be willing to walk back if your vehicle gets stuck in the mud or somewhere else.
Let somebody know if you are going on an off-road trip. Take care of yourself and anyone who is going with you.

Having proper insurance is essential! ATV or other off-road vehicle insurance can cover theft, accidents, injury and more.
We can help you protect your vehicle from damages and wrecks. Enjoy your ride and don’t worry if you hit a bump in the road or get a little scratch.
Thanks for reading! Your friends at Farmers Mutual 749 Wilson Road, Newberry, SC 29108 803-276-1814 https://www.farmersmutualsc.com/ #FarmersMutualSC #MoreThanJustFarms #WinterHomePreparation